We expect all our sellers to offer their lowest price on 1stDibs. If you discover the same item listed for less by the same seller elsewhere, we'll match the price. This is just one of several features we offer as part of The 1stDibs Promise.
To be eligible for our Price-Match Guarantee, the item must meet the following criteria:
- The exact same item is listed for sale by the same 1stDibs seller and advertised for a lower price on another platform
- 1stDibs has been informed of the price discrepancy within 7 calendar days of purchasing
- The lower advertised price has been listed or advertised publicly. Verbal offers made on other platforms do not qualify
- The lower advertised price must be documented in the form of a screenshot, active website listing, or photo of the advertised price in a publication
- The lower advertised price cannot be a promotional, introductory, or limited sale offering on another platform
If your item meets all of the above requirements, please contact 1stDibs support immediately and we will work directly with the seller on your behalf to deliver our Price-Match Guarantee.