In the unlikely event that you receive an item that doesn't meet your expectations, we will work with you and the seller to make it right. Please be sure to inspect your item immediately upon delivery, and contact us within 7 days if there are any issues. (If your concern is with the authenticity of the item, you can learn more about our Authenticity Guarantee Policy here.)
To ensure a fair and timely resolution, please be aware that failure to report the damage within the initial seven-day window or failure to provide any requested evidence within seven days may result in the claim being considered void.
How do you report an issue?
You can report the issue through the Orders page by clicking the Order Assistance button and selecting "Report an Item Issue."
- If a signature is required upon delivery, please be sure to inspect the item first. In all cases, note any issues you find within the shipping provider's official paperwork and keep all packaging and shipping documents. Contact us no later than 7 days after delivery and provide photos of any discrepancies, condition issues, or damages that weren't disclosed by the seller. We recommend taking both close-up photos of any areas of concern and photos of the item as a whole. This will help our specialists understand the full context of the issue and better evaluate whether the item was properly described.
- If you receive an item that appears to have been damaged in transit, make sure to note the specific areas of damage, and keep or take photos of the original packaging so we can file a claim with the carrier. If there is an issue, please let us know as soon as you receive the item, and depending upon the extent of the damage, we'll either work with you to have the item repaired and restored, or arrange for a return. For parcel and front door delivery, please include packaging images where appropriate so we can ascertain how the item arrived. Please retain the item’s packaging for any future returns.
- If you receive an item that is very different from the seller's listing description, follow the same process and contact us within 7 days of delivery.
- If the seller shipped the wrong item, please contact us immediately. We'll work to arrange for the correct item to be shipped.
Never Received your purchase?
If you believe your item was lost in transit, contact us and we'll do what we can to reach a solution.