In the unlikely event that an item you purchase is significantly different than described, is damaged in transit or does not arrive, you may be eligible to receive a refund for your purchase up to $100,000, subject to the terms below.
- The order was placed online through our secure checkout
- The item is significantly different than described, was damaged in transit or never arrives
- You reported the issue within seven calendar days of the delivery date (or the promised delivery date, for non-delivered items)
To ensure fairness and timely resolution, please note that failure to report the damage within the initial seven-day window or failure to provide requested evidence within seven days of our request will make your purchase ineligible for the Money-Back Guarantee refund.
- You are seeking to return an item that was accurately described and not damaged in transit. (Note that in these cases, you may still be able to return the item if permitted under the seller’s stated return policy or, for EU-based buyers, in accordance with EU law and our User Agreement)
- You are seeking to return an item due to its odor, unless the item description specifically indicates a scent profile
- You elected to arrange your own shipping or retrieve the item in-person
- You purchased the item in-store, over the phone or via email and not through 1stDibs secure checkout
Reporting an Issue
If you receive an item that doesn't meet your expectations, contact us within 7 days of the delivery date (or expected delivery date). When reaching out, make sure to include photos of the areas of concern and the item as a whole, so our specialists can better evaluate the issue and more quickly reach a resolution. Here is a link to learn more on how to report Item Damage or Issue.
Money-Back Guarantee Process Overview
At 1stDibs, our clients’ satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we take these types of circumstances very seriously. It is concerning to us when any of our clients are not completely satisfied and we follow our 5-step path to confirm eligibility for the Money-Back Guarantee refund as outlined below:
Initial Client Outreach - Our initial outreach will share an overview of the process and what will be needed, if anything, from your side to proceed with the review. We will let you know if additional images, documentation, or context is required to move the review forward and into the next stage of the review process.
We strive to reach out directly within 48 hours of you reporting the issue.
Evidence Received/Reviewed - Upon providing all necessary materials for our team to review, we will move this case to Evidence Review stage, where we will work with all relevant parties to come to a determination on the best path forward. As we may need to consult with external parties who are specialists in specific areas as well as our internal specialists and the seller of this item, we ask for up to 10 business days to review the evidence and come back to you with a proposed resolution.
Regarding not-as-described or damaged items, we need up to 10 business days to review the case and submitted evidence thoroughly.
Regarding items you have not received, you become eligible to receive the Money-Back Guarantee refund once 1stDibs determines, in its sole discretion, that an item is lost in transit and will not arrive. This may take more than 10 business days to determine. -
Resolution Proposed - After a review of all materials, we will present a resolution to you for review. In some cases, we will immediately offer the Money-Back Guarantee refund, subject to the conditions set forth below. In other cases, because we know that due to the unique nature of the items we sell, preserving these rare and unique items for you is a priority, we may propose a resolution in the form of a repair, restoration, or replacement (an “Alternate Resolution”) that you may choose to elect in lieu of the Money-Back Guarantee refund. It’s also possible that upon a review, 1stDibs, in its sole discretion, may determine that your purchase does not meet the eligibility criteria set forth above and the Money-Back Guarantee refund can not be provided. If that is the case, a thorough explanation will be provided to you.
If repair is the resolution route agreed upon, the quote for the repair must be provided to 1stDibs no later than 30 days from date of delivery. After 30 days, any offers to review, contribute, or reimbursement towards repairs shall be rescinded and considered void.
From the time we propose an Alternate Resolution, we hope to have your acceptance within 5 business days so that we can move into the next phase without delay. Our goal is to have an agreed resolution within 10 business days of the issue being reported (other than with respect to item-not-received issues, which may take longer to finally determine transit status).
Resolution in Flight - If you accept the Alternate Resolution, then within 48 hours of receiving your acceptance of the proposed resolution, we will move forward with the resolution process, contacting all relevant parties that will be needed to support the agreed-upon resolution.
Will vary greatly depending on the unique circumstances of each item issue. In some cases the resolution can be swift, while others may require longer timelines as we need to ship materials internationally or wait for a specific item/piece to be produced.
If you decline an Alternate Resolution or we immediately offer the Money-Back Guarantee refund, we will initiate the processing of such refund subject to the conditions set forth below within 48 hours of the fulfillment of such conditions. - Resolved - We do not mark our case resolved until the agreed-upon resolution has been delivered to you. You will receive a final email from us confirming that we are closing our case now that the issue has come to a complete resolution.
The most important documentation for review of any reported issue will be sufficient photo evidence. The clearer the evidence can capture the reported issue, the better we will be able to put the correct resolution in place. This evidence is used to gather feedback from the seller/creator of the item, used to source repair/restoration quotes with vendors, or can be used to file a claim with the shipping company.
High-quality photos that clearly demonstrate the reported issue will allow the review process to move efficiently without the need to request additional photos or evidence from you.
Some guidelines to keep in mind:
- Include images which clearly show the issue from both close-up and from a distance, and from multiple angles – such that we can see this issue in relation to the rest of the piece. You should not worry about sending us too many images.
- If the area of concern is the dimensions of the item, in order for us to proceed, please provide us with images of the order next to a measuring tape, displaying the exact height/width of the item. We will need to see the item or area of concern in full and see the measurements clearly
- Please include packaging images where appropriate (for parcel and front door delivery) that you can provide to ascertain how the item arrived. Please retain any packaging for a potential return.
- Include images or copies of any delivery paperwork you may have received, in addition to any other documents you feel may be relevant to this matter.
- If you find it easier to take a video on your phone and send that along instead, feel free to do so.
- If you have any trouble taking or sending these images and need additional assistance, just let us know, as we would be happy to help however possible.
In order to receive your Money-Back Guarantee refund for items that were not-as-described or damaged, you must, if requested by 1stDibs in its sole discretion, return the item in substantially the same condition as when it was shipped to you. The item may not show evidence of being worn or used more than was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the items, or have any tags, receipts or sales labels removed.
For items not received and determined to be lost in transit, you acknowledge and agree that in the event the item is subsequently delivered to you, you agree to repay to 1stDibs any amounts refunded to you under this policy.
We strive to provide you with a resolution that leaves you satisfied and offer you all the protections and support available under the Money-Back Guarantee Policy. After we have thoroughly reviewed your case and provided a final resolution, the matter will be considered resolved. Per Section 3 of the 1stDibs User Agreement, the decision is final and binding on all parties and cannot be appealed, challenged or reversed.
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