To check on the status of your order, wherever it may be in the process, simply go to the account menu and select Orders.
You'll be able to see if the seller is preparing your item for shipping, if it's ready to be picked up by the shipping provider, or if it has already shipped. If it has already been shipped, you'll see the carrier's name and tracking information, if available. See a sample page below.
And rest assured: you’ll receive an email update once your item is in transit to you.
If the seller is facilitating the shipment and there is no tracking information on your order page, we recommend reaching out to the seller directly for an update. This can be done through the Ask the Seller button, located on each item page. You can learn more about how to Contact a Seller or Gallery here.
Shipping time and tracking options are dependent upon the shipping method utilized. Learn more about the different Shipping Methods offered by 1stDibs here.