Please make arrangements to inspect your item immediately upon delivery.
If you are asked to sign for the delivery:
- Inspect the item thoroughly before signing
- If you find noticeable issues:
- Please note them in the shipping provider’s official paperwork
- Keep all packaging and shipping documents
- Contact us as soon as possible (no later than 7 days post-delivery); we’ll ask for pictures that will help us assess the condition of the piece
If the piece was left by the shipping provider:
- Inspect the item as soon as possible
- If you find any noticeable issues:
- Keep all packaging and shipping documents
- Contact us as soon as possible (no later than 7 days post-delivery); we’ll ask for pictures that will help us assess the condition of the piece
In the unlikely event that you receive an item that is significantly different than described or that has been damaged in transit, please report it to us within 7 days. We'll work with you and the seller to make it right as part of our Money-Back Guarantee Policy. You can also learn how to report item damage or issues here.