You will find any information about shipping quotes on the item details page,next to the shipping icon, along with a link to view additional details or other quotes if they are available, as rates often vary by destination and complexity.
If you don't see a quote, the seller may not have quoted shipping to your specific location, or you may need to log in to see quotes tailored to your area. You can also directly ask the seller by clicking, Request a quote.
The Request a quote feature is address-specific, so it will prompt you to enter your full shipping address.
Requesting a Quote
If the shipping cost is not listed on the item details page, you may still submit your order and a shipping quote will be provided within 24 to 48 hours.
- If you accept the quote, your order will be confirmed, and the item will then be shipped to you. If you reject the quote, your order will be canceled, and you will not be charged.
- If the seller provides free shipping, your order will be automatically confirmed, and the item will be shipped to you.
Calculating Shipping Quotes
Shipping quotes are determined by an item’s dimensional weight, which is based on the item size and shipping distance — not the actual item weight. 1stDibs passes the direct cost for shipping to the customer. There is no markup on these costs.
Pre-quoted shipping is based on dimensional weight and covers broader geographic areas. This includes shipping to the entire continental United States and the rest of the world. This cost is often subsidized, as the actual cost can be higher than the pre-quoted prices.
Shipping Methods
Learn more about the different shipping methods we offer here.