Purchase an item from the product page
- Log in to your 1stDibs account
- Find an item you wish to purchase
- Click Purchase or Make an Offer on the item details page.
Purchase an item from a private offer
- If you receive a private offer, you may access it through your Orders page and click Accept Offer
- Enter your shipping address
- Select a shipping method
- Choose your preferred payment method
- Review your order to check that your information is correct
- Click to submit
- After the order is submitted, it is sent to the seller to accept the offer and confirm the item is still available. Once the seller accepts, it becomes a confirmed order.
- 1stDibs will then send you an email confirming your purchase. You can also view your order by clicking on Orders under the account menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
If you are purchasing an item that is available at auction, please click here to learn more about the bidding and checkout process.